Where is Bocas del Toro and When is the Best Time to Go?

For travelers whose Caribbean and Latin American explorations have primarily kept them in

high-profile or famous tourist destinations like Cancun or the Bahamas, Bocas del Toro may be

unfamiliar. However, this is one destination that you’ll want to acquaint yourself with quickly.

With gorgeous scenery, near-endless adventure, and something to appeal to just about any type of

traveler (whether you prefer luxury travel, eco-friendly travel, a family trip, large group travel or

all of the above!), Bocas del Toro is one of a kind and a can’t-miss.

Where is Bocas del Toro?

But if you’ve never heard of Bocas del Toro before, your first question isn’t going to be what to

do or where to stay. Instead, you’re probably wondering, “So, where is it?”

Bocas del Toro isn’t just one island. Instead, this is an entire archipelago, with 11 islands,

approximately 50 cays, and 200 islets (in other words, there’s lots to see and do!). The

archipelago sits off the northeastern coast of Panama. If you think of Panama’s serpentine shape,

and where the country connects with Costa Rica, Bocas del Toro is nearly immediately to the

right, sitting just a short distance off the mainland, in the Caribbean Sea.

Isla Colón is the main island in the archipelago and home to a resort town also named Bocas del

Toro or, as it’s sometimes just called, Bocas Town. Bocas Town is the main hub for travelers to

the islands, with more than 150,000 visitors per year. However, don’t think that this makes the

archipelago crowded at all. There are plenty of quiet spots to be found and, even while 150,000

people sound like a lot, but it’s not really. In comparison, many other island destinations in the

Caribbean welcomes multiple millions of visitors per year.

To get to Bocas del Toro, you’ll need to take a flight or bus from Panama City or San Juan, Costa


When is the Best Time to Travel to Bocas del Toro?

Now that Bocas del Toro is on your radar, if you’re considering planning a trip to the islands,

you’ll want to take one key thing into consideration: the season.

Depending on what matters most to you in a vacation (good weather, great prices, lower crowds,

etc.), you may want to choose to visit Bocas del Toro in certain seasons and not others.

While hurricanes in the area are rare (as Panama lies south of the Caribbean’s hurricane belt),

rain is not. The same rain that fuels the area’s biodiversity and lush rainforests can also be a

deterrent to some travelers. Bocas del Toro’s rainiest months are October through December, so

if it’s sunnier skies you’re after, visit before the fall/early winter.

In contrast, dry season is in the later winter and spring, January through early April. That dry

season, though, does attract its crowds. You’ll have to decide which is more important to you:

clear skies or empty beaches.

If it’s specifically a great travel deal you’re after, though, visit Bocas del Toro during our off-

season, which is summer through early fall.

On top of all this, you’ll also want to take season into account if planning a trip to Bocas del

Toro with a specific activity in mind. The archipelago is favored for its surfing, and if you’re

after big swells and pristine conditions, visit in the winter months or mid-summer. Likewise,

scuba diving is popular, but calm waters make for better diving conditions; for the best diving,

visit in the fall.

Does Bocas del Toro Sound Like Your Perfect Paradise?

Whenever you visit, no matter what fun activities you have in mind, make Casa Botanica your

home base for all your Bocas del Toro adventures. Learn more about our 3,050-square-foot,

jungle-set, luxury villa for rent, and begin planning your getaway today.


What Does Bocas del Toro Mean? The History of Bocas del Toro


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