There’s so much you should do and experience in Bocas del Toro — the beaches, the water sports, the rainforests, the history and culture. However, there are also some things you shouldn’t do in Bocas del Toro. Here’s what to avoid, for the most enjoyable, convenient, comfortable, and safe trip possible. 

1. Don’t rush the experience. 

Bocas del Toro is a destination of islands and, as such, we’re on island time. A trip to Bocas del Toro is the perfect opportunity to slow down, be present, and just enjoy the journey. So, don’t fret if life in Bocas del Toro doesn’t move as quickly as it might back home — it’s not a bad thing and, in fact, could be just what you need.

2. Don’t touch the wildlife.

Biodiverse and beautiful, Bocas del Toro is packed with wildlife and marine life. However, don’t make the mistake of attempting to touch the wildlife or marine life. This can cause irreparable damage (both to the wildlife and to you!). This is particularly a problem on Starfish Beach, a popular spot where you can wade among giant starfish. Resist the urge to touch the starfish and simply enjoy them from afar!

3. Don’t rely on bottled water.  

Organizations throughout Bocas del Toro are making an effort to retain the islands’ natural beauty for generations to come, and that means reducing the islands’ trash and waste. Don’t add to this waste with plastic water bottles. Instead, use a reusable water bottle and stay in a hotel or rental that offers verifiably clean and safe drinking water. 

4. Don’t forget your safe travel habits.

Yes, Bocas del Toro is a laid-back, friendly, chill sort of place. Still, you should follow the same safe travel guidelines in Bocas del Toro that you might follow when visiting any tourist destination, anywhere in the world. Use your common sense. Don’t leave valuables out in the open or unattended. Don’t flash pricey items around. Don’t go to unfamiliar, isolated places at night. 

5. Don’t spend every day on one island.

With so many little hidden beaches, coves, and islets scattered throughout the archipelago, it would be a shame to just arrive at one island and then stay there the entire time you’re in Bocas del Toro. Make sure to explore further afield, and try to see as much as you can. The good news in all of this is that Bocas del Toro is convenient enough, and easily traversable enough (with the help of some water taxis) that you don’t need to switch accommodations just to see everything. You can find one home base to call your own during your trip, and then head out on daily excursions from there. 

Extra Tip: Don’t stay anywhere other than Casa Botanica.

That home base you should stay in during your Bocas del Toro vacation? It should be Casa Botanica. With room enough for your entire crew, easy access to the beach and ocean and luxury furnishings, there’s no better option. Let’s start planning your trip now.


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